Biblical Judaism is the only "culture" created by God. All of its parts make up the shadow cast by Yeshua (Col.2:16-17). Those details are all "Pictures" (tavniot) of heavenly things. Put simply: Judaism shows Yeshua. It explains Him; reveals him. As Romans 10:4 says: "Messiah is the TARGET" of the Torah."
The Bible is a book of the Spirit, not a book of laws and "commandments". There is nothing to obey; rather, Pictures to learn from. The word mistranslated as "obey" is sh'ma in Hebrew, meaning "hear" or "listen". The word mistranslated "commands" is "tzava" in Hebrew meaning "to set up" or "to establish".
God's heart is reflected in Romans 10:21, "All day long I stretch forth my hand to Israel..." This is God's order. To reach the world with Yeshua, we must reach the ones who have the Pictures, so they can in turn teach the world.
There are 3 foundational concepts that make Lev Tzion a different kind of congregation. All 3 of them can be seen in our Logo.
A Torah scroll is unfolding, it flows upward to become a human being. All of the Tenakh or Old testament BECAME a man, a Jew, a Rabbi, our Master Yeshua the Messiah of Israel. He can be seen in every smallest detail of Judaism. Also when we do the Torah, the Word becomes flesh in us.
The flame of the Holy Spirit rises from the Torah scroll because the Torah and the Spirit are One; they look the same; sound the same; speak the same words, and communicate the same Pictures. Hellenism has forced a wedge between the Torah (Judaism) and the Spirit of God (focus of "Christianity") but the truth is, Judaism IS the Spirit of God's manifestation and explanation.
The bottom of the star is a "lamed" Hebrew letter that begins "Lev" or heart, and it means "to learn; discipline, train or teach." The right side of the star is a "tzadee" first letter of "Tzion" or Zion, and it means "righteous". Lev Tzion's purpose is to "train in righteousness".
Our statement of faith is thorough because we included every normative doctrine, and in addition we added what makes us different: "Pictures" and our relationship to the "Law" or "commandments" and Yeshua. You can download a pdf of that document here.
The Pictures book explains the philosophy of Judaism as a shadow cast by Yeshua, dealing with every Scripture in the New Testament that has caused the "church" to break from Judaism. It helps Believers return to God's 4000 year old way....$29.00/ $10.00 shipping.