What makes Lev Tzion different? We do not teach typical "Christianity"; rather we teach Judaism-- the target of which is Yeshua the Messiah. We are a voice crying in the wilderness just as Elijah the prophet and John the immerser did before the coming of the Lord. The Lord is coming soon and in order to become ready for the Kingdom, we are working to restore Judaism to its rightful place as PICTURES of all heavenly things. We believe Judaism is not a body of as "laws" and "commandments" but rather, patterns, types, Pictures, and a shadow cast by Yeshua to reveal to us every aspect of the spiritual world.
Lev Tzion is different because its focus is different. We call it "Pictures"; a congregation that is focused on Judaism as Pictures of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).
We love visitors at Lev Tzion! Lev Tzion is a pretty friendly congregation. Don't worry that you might not know the right thing to do or say. Many of us at Lev Tzion are new to Messianic Judaism. Others are happy to provide answers to your questions.
We meet to celebrate the Sabbath together every Saturday morning at 10:30 AM. Many people opt to show up around 10:15 AM. Another option is to come for a special event such as one of the Jewish Holidays. These are fun and meaningful times.
We meet for Shabbat services on Saturday mornings at 10:30. We are located on the West side of El Paso at 4529 Osborne Suite D, off of Doniphan. See link to Google maps below.
Lev Tzion is a synagogue, not a "Church" so you may encounter some things that are unfamiliar at our Sabbath services. Don't let that deter you—be adventurous! Here are some things that you might experience if you visit our Sabbath service:
On Saturdays, it is customary and appropriate to dress up as nicely as we can in honor of the Sabbath. Button-up shirts are a good idea for men; a suit always looks nice. We place a high value on modest dress. Clothing should be gender-appropriate. Shorts are discouraged. Necklines should not be low-cut. Everything private should be covered. All men are encouraged to wear a kippah (skullcap) when in the sanctuary. If you do not have your own, we would be happy to loan you one. Jewish men are encouraged to wear a tallit (prayer shawl) during the morning service, which we can also provide.
If you have a favorite Bible or Siddur, feel free to bring it, though most of the Scriptures are displayed on the slides during the teaching. Just bring a mind and attitude that's excited to learn and experience new things! Please do not distract yourself and others on electronic devices during the service -- it is God's Day; a Picture of the Kingdom, and a time for you to come to know Him better.
We are committed to the Jewish biblical cycle of the year and keeping the Sabbaths, New moons and Festivals as "Pictures". Go to the EVENTS Page to see what we're doing and learning during God's cycle.
Praise and worship in Hebrew and English that is ancient and lively, that usually compliments the subject of the "Pictures" teachings.
Michael Washer teaches only "Pictures" teachings based on the weekly Torah portions. They are well-thought out, thorough, and presented in a lively, down-to-earth style.
We meet for Shabbat services on Saturday mornings at 10:30. We are located on the West side of El Paso at 4529 Osborne Suite D, off of Doniphan. https://www.google.com/search?q=4529+osborne&sca_esv=588018538&sxsrf=AM9HkKld6G5Z3HLIJsydQDc6Mie3vQcStA%3A1701790627074&source=hp&ei=o0NvZdbAAp-Our8PxfOywAk&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZW9Rs0KsV6YAQ5Qq2rxzZ9eV2jnAhXTM&oq=&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IgAqAggAMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIx
Your support and contributions will enable us to improve our condition sure, but more importantly, you will be doing the right Picture by sowing into the Kingdom!